Women Break The Silence

Women Break the Silence is a movement against rape culture in Madagascar. It mobilizes young people and raises awareness through artistic tools. Women Break the Silence promotes the support of survivors of sexual violence.


January 1, 2021

Official launch of the project

February 2021: Set up a group of volunteers in Diego
March 2021: Set up a group of volunteers in Antananarivo
May 2021: Set up a group of volunteers in Fianarantsoa
June 2021: Set up a group of volunteers in Majunga

January 1, 2021
june 1, 2021

Women Break The Silence is part of the VBG Coalition of the Generation Equality Forum

July 2021: Set up a group of volunteers in Androy
October 2021: Set up a group of volunteers in Anosy

june 1, 2021
november 25, 2021

Women Break The Silence is officially part of the ITG Collective with NIFIN'AKANGA

February 2022: Set up a group of volunteers in Toamasina in partnership with Fleurs Eveillées

november 25, 2021
august 1, 2022

Official launch of the Ville Sure campaign with the Commune Urbaine d'Antananarivo

August 2022: First visit to NosyBe to set up the NosyBe’s group of volunteers

august 1, 2022

Our Team

The founding team is composed of qualified alumni from different American programs (YVLP, Humphrey, YALI, Fullbright) working on gender-based violence. As for the executive team, it is composed of facilitators trained to manage the themes taken on by the Movement as well as the actions that characterize Women Break The Silence.

Founding Team

Daniela Loberline RATIARISOA
Marie Christina KOLO
Riambelo Onjaniaina RASAMIMANANA

Executive Team


ANDRIANAIVO Mampiray Gilbert-Gab


LOLONIRINA Nivoseheno Jessica Stephanie

Our Antennas

The Women Break The Silence movement currently has 8 branches in the big island and no less than 200 active volunteers. The strategic actions are adapted according to the needs of each locality and conducted specifically by the leader or president of each antenna.


The main role of the Antananarivo team is to train and support the different branches of the movement and to develop tools for training, sensitization and to focus on advocacy work.

For the realization of the project, we have recruited:
• 1 research and training officer as a consultant in support of the coordination team from January 2021 to present.
• 5 interns: two students in psychology and one student in communication, one student in law and one student in multimedia communication

We also received the support of 1 jurist, 1 volunteer psychologist and 1 sign language interpreter.

Project coordination and key strategic directions remained in the hands of the project initiators.

With its new public transportation campaign, the team has over 36 youth volunteers who are regular GBV trainers.


The first information and recruitment session for volunteers in Tamatave took place on March 13, 2021 at the Regional Directorate of Youth and Sports in Toamasina. 36 volunteers registered with a majority of women. The team was led by SAMARO Ystalien, a young social entrepreneur and founder of Recycla'nay.

bénévoles Tamatave
  • Volunteers have received training on GBV and have worked on a local mapping of the different actors in the field of GBV in the regions.
  • They contributed to a video with influencer Lyonnel Myree and wrote a slam.
  • They also designed some artwork to support the campaign and signed a partnership with a local radio station.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of follow-up and time from local leaders, the volunteers were not able to set up more regular activities. This is why we decided to find new partners to take over and support them.

Thanks to a partnership agreement with these two organizations, we are now also able to target schools and crisis centers.

Our core team in Antananarivo has already organised two training sessions with these partners to build their capacity on GBV.

Nosy Be

The first descent to Nosybe for the launch of the NosyBe Antenna took place in August 2022.

The first meeting with the associates of young people and women on the spot, a meeting initiated by the Regional Coordination of Women’s Associations, It allowed us to make an initial assessment and inventory of the needs of this island in the fight against gender-based violence.

Training has been done in this direction in order to be able to set up a branch of volunteers soon.


The Androy’s group of volunteers is created in Julay 2021.

When we talk about the Androy Volunteer’s group, it would be more accurate to call it the Androy Volunteer’s group because it gathers young people representing the four districts of the region.

Each of them conducts sensitization activities in schools and local radio stations in their respective districts. Composed mainly of men, the particularity of this antenna lies in this male solidarity in a rather female cause.


The Diego’s group of volunteers was established in February 2021.

This group brings together activists and artists who share the same passion and struggle for gender equality. They raise awareness through artistic channels such as slam and participate in workshops on related issues.


The Mahajanga’s group of volunteers is created in June 2021.

The Majunga Volunteer’s group is made up of associations of young activists in the fight against GBV and local artists.


The Fianarantsoa’s group of volunteers was set up in May 2021.

The Volunteer Chapter is mainly composed of students from the University of Andrainjato. They carry out their awareness actions in schools.


The Anosy Regional Office was established in October 2021.

The Volunteer’s group in the Anosy Region is run by young members of local associations such as the Young Peer Educators. It is supported by the Directorate of Youth and Sport on site. This Volunteer’s group represents not only the district of Taolagnaro but the entire Anosy Region.

Women Break The Silence Madagascar
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